More of My Favorite Meeples
I’m always on the lookout for any excuse to talk about meeples. They’re one of my favorite things, right up there with hot chocolate, and deck building games. Today’s excuse is some meeple mock ups from our graphic designer Christine Santana (the same Christine Santana who brought you Wingspan’s eggs).
These are three potential Squirrel and Squirrel Nest meeple designs for Nut Hunt. Once we settle on component design we’ll look at a number of color palates.
My last list of favorite meeples was woefully inadequate. So here is a follow up with even more of my favorite meeples!
Oogly eyes sold separately
What’s better than an Uwe Rosenburg game? An Uwe Rosenburg game with pumpkin meeples! In Caverna you play the roll of dwarves developing your farmland, and your cave. While the dwarves are just round disks, the game more than makes up for the lack of Gimlis with adorable sheep and wild boar.
But, what really gets me is the delightful little pumpkins. What better way to welcome the start of October than with a non-spooky, adorable little gourd?
Not just dinosaurs, itsy bitsy adorable little dinosaurs made of wood!
As the name implies Draftosaurus is a dinosaur drafting game where you are building an epic dinosaur park, but without any of the dangerous parts of Jurassic Park.
In my last favorite meeples post a commenter pointed me to a game that I am not particularly familiar with, but my goodness can I appreciate this game’s meeples. Here to Slay is a “turn-based role-playing competitive strategic fantasy card game“.
I can’t tell you too much about the game (beyond the fun art and meeples), but I did just order a copy (there is a bundle deal on the publisher website) so, if you ask me in a few weeks I can give you more details.