Board Game TikTokers I’m Following (an incomplete list)

With 130 million downloads in the US, and over 2 billion globally TikTok has in a few short years rocketed from a nascent curiosity to a household staple. Best known for trendy dances, slick editing, and viral lip synchs - there is a wonderful little corner of TikTok all about board games.

The format is short form, so you won’t get full teaches, or in depth reviews, but it is a great place for some light content, lists, and to get a feel for games that you might not be familiar with. Here are some of the creators I’m enjoying.


Cleve is short for Cleveland, and not the fun name of our un-named host. The channel is run by a board game cafe in (you guessed it) Cleveland. Running a games cafe, the host is knowledgeable in a huge range of games, and knows how to capture our attention, communicate feel and theme, and most of all have fun.


I need more of this in my life. Obscure Board Games goes deep in the vaults pulling out should be classics from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and today… as well as some games that have faded into obscurity for good reason. Either way, scrolling through the channel is an absolute delight. Check out this game from the 80s that you have to play in the dark!


Danielle (dmax)’s channel is delightful and weird, and delightfully weird. It is a mix of board game introductions, slice of life content, and these hilariously bizarre videos where she cooks and talks about board games. Keep it up dmax.

Who are your “hidden gem” board game content creators? Shout them out in the comments and we’ll be sure to check them out.


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